The Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata, was established in 1983, gathering the scientific competences in the field of Electronics, Telecommunications and Automation. The research started, still in progress, at the highest international level, related industries such as high-frequency electronics, mobile, robotics. Over the years, the Department has been enriched with new teachers and new skills: has formed a research group in computer science, a group of operations research, a group of business administration, a research group on the analysis and synthesis of circuits, a research group on digital circuits, a group of sensor research, and a research group on optoelectronics.
Currently Prof. Ernesto Limiti heads the DIE, which is composed of 27 Professors (11 Full Professors, 16 Associates), 20 researchers and 25 units of technical and administrative personnel. The expertise of the Department spans over the disciplines of electronics, optoelectronics, electrical, measurement and telecommunications. The research activities are conducted with a multidisciplinary approach, integrating the expertise of different groups.
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