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Authors |
Title |
During |
1 |
Min Wan, Dayong Wang, Lu Rong, Yunxin Wang, Haochong Huang, Bin Li |
Continuous-wave terahertz reflective off-axis digital holography |
2016 Infrared Technology and Applications, and Robot Sensing and Advanced Control |
2 |
Angel Blanco Granja, Rolf Jakoby, Andreas Penirschke |
Outright W-Band chebyshev-based hollow waveguide to microstrip transition |
2017 42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
3 |
Angel Blanco Granja, Bruno Cimoli, Sebastian Rodriguez, Rolf Jakoby, Jesper Bevensee Jensen, Andreas Penirschke, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy, Tom Keinicke Johansen |
Ultra-wideband balanced schottky envelope detector for data communication with high bitrate to carrier frequency ratio |
2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS) |
4 |
Karel Hoffmann, Aleksandra Baskakova |
A new interferometric sensor for scanning near-field microwave microscopy |
2017 89th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG) |
5 |
D. Cibiraite, M. Bauer, A. Lisauskas, V. Krozer, H. G. Roskos, A. Ramer, V. Krozer, W. Heinrich, S. Pralgauskaite, J. Zdanevicius, J. Matukas, A. Lisauskas, M. Andersson, J. Stake |
Thermal noise-limited sensitivity of FET-based terahertz detectors |
2017 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF) |
6 |
Kestutis Ikamas, Alvydas Lisauskas, Maris Bauer, Adam Ramer, Sylvain Massabeau, Dovile Cibiraite, Marek Burakevic, Serguei Chevtchenko, Juliette Mangeney, Wolfgang Heinrich, Viktor Krozery, Hartmut G. Roskosy |
Efficient detection of short-pulse THz radiation with field effect transistors |
2017 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF) |
7 |
D. Cibiraite, M. Bauer, A. Ramer, S. Chevtchenko, A. Lisauskasm, J. Matukas, V. Krozerm, W. Heinrich, H. G. Roskos |
Enhanced performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMT-Based THz detectors at room temperature and at low temperature |
2017 42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
8 |
Frederik Walla, Borja Jerez, Pedro Martin-Mateos, Cristina de Dios, Pablo Acedo |
Absolute-Frequency high-resolution real-time terahertz dual-comb spectrometer |
2017 42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
9 |
Aldo Moreno-Oyervides, Jesus Palaci Lopez, Pedro Martin-Mateos, Frederik Walla, Ruben Criado, Viktor Krozer, Pablo Acedo |
Use of functional principal components analysis in CW subTHz spectroscopy for hydrocarbon emulsified water assessment |
2017 42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
10 |
Min Wan, Inbarasan Muniraj, Ra'ed Malallah, Liang Zhao, James P. Ryle, Lu Rong, John J. Healy, Dayong Wang, John T. Sheridan |
Sparsity based terahertz reflective off-axis digital holography |
2017 Holography: Advances and Modern Trends V |
11 |
Alaa Jumaah, Shihab Al-Daffaie, Oktay Yilmazoglu, Franko Kuppers |
Graphene — Nanowire hybrid photomixer for continuous-wave terahertz generation |
2017 42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
12 |
Sebastian Rodriguez, Alvaro Morales, Simon Rommel, Juan José Vegas Olmos, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy |
Real-time Measurements of an Optical Reconfigurable Radio Access Unit for 5G Wireless Access Networks |
2017 Optical Fiber Communication Conference |
13 |
Santiago Echeverri-Chacon, Alvaro Morales, Sebastian Rodriguez, Simon Rommel, Saul Vazquez, Juan Jose Vegas Olmos, Johan J. Mohr, Steen Bak Christensen, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy |
Short range inter-datacenter transmission with carrier delivery and remote modulation for 112 Gb/s PM-QPSK signals |
2017 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) |
14 |
A. D. J. Fernandez Olvera, U. Nandi, J. Norman, A. C. Gossard, H. Roskos, S. Preu |
Dispersive properties of self-complementary log-periodic antennas in pulsed THz systems |
2017 42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
15 |
Borja Jerez, Frederik Walla, Cristina de Dios, Pedro Martin-Mateos, Pablo Acedo |
Fully remote rapid multiheterodyne spectroscopy based on the remote detection of an optical frequency comb through optical injection locking and electro-optic comb generation |
2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) |
16 |
D. Warmowska, M. Marek, Z. Raida |
MATLAB-based Multi-objective Optimization of Broadband Circularly Polarized Antennas |
2017 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC 2017) |
17 |
Rafael Puerta, Alvaro Morales, Simon Rommel, Inwoong Kim, Olga Vassilieva, Tadashi Ikeuchi, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy |
Physical Layer 1 Gb/s Secret Wireless Data Transmission at W-Band using a Photonic Duffing System |
2018 Optical Fiber Communication Conference |
18 |
Dovilė Čibiraitė, Maris Bauer, Adam Rämer, Serguei Chevtchenko, Alvydas Lisauskas, Viktor Krozer, Wolfgang Heinrich, and Hartmut G. Roskos |
AlGaN/GaN HEMT-based THz Detectors for a High-Resolution THz Camera |
2018 Open Readings 2018 Programme and Abstracts |
19 |
Min Wan , Inbarasan Muniraj, John J. Healy, James P. Ryle, John T. Sheridan, Derek Cassidy, Ni Chen |
Photon-counted integral holography using orthographic projection images |
2018 Unconventional Optical Imaging |
20 |
Marie Mbeutcha, Giacomo Ulisse, Viktor Krozer |
Millimeter-wave imaging radar system design based on detailed system radar simulation tool |
2018 22nd International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON) |
21 |
Serguei Smirnov, Ilya V. Anoshkin, Dmitri V. Lioubtchenko, Joachim Oberhammer |
Carbon Nanotube Layer Modeling for Computer Simulation of Optically Controlled Phase Shifters |
2018 48th European Microwave Conference (EuMC) |
22 |
Serguei Smirnov, Ilya V. Anoshkin, Dmitri V. Lioubtchenko, Joachim Oberhammer |
Millimeter Wave Phase Shifter Based on Optically Controlled Carbon Nanotube Layers |
2018 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
23 |
Dmitri V. Lioubtchenko, Serguei Smirnov, Ilya V. Anoshkin, Joachim Oberhammer |
Millimeter Wave Beam Steering Based on Optically Controlled Carbon Nanotube Layers |
2018 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
24 |
Abdul Ali, Elisa Cipriani, Paolo Colantonio |
A single module compact efficient harmonic tuned 160 W power amplifier for GPS application |
2018 22nd International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON) |
25 |
Abdul Ali, Elisa Cipriani, Paolo Colantonio |
Common emitter and cascode topologies at G band: A comparative study on a single stage 183 GHz power amplifier |
2018 International Conference on IC Design & Technology (ICICDT) |
26 |
Abdul Ali, Elisa Cipriani, Tom Keinicke Johansen, Paolo Colantonio |
Study of 130 nm SiGe HBT Periphery in the Design of 160 GHz Power Amplifier |
2018 First International Workshop on Mobile Terahertz Systems (IWMTS) |
27 |
Dominika Warmowska, Zbynek Raida |
High-Gain Circularly Polarized Corporate-Feed Terahertz Antenna Array |
2018 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA) |
28 |
Simon Rommel, Alvaro Morales, Dimitrios Konstantinou, Toms Salgals, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy |
Millimeter Wave Hybrid Photonic Wireless Links - Also for Broadcast? |
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) |
29 |
Alaa Jumaah, Shihab Al-Daffaie, Oktay Yilmazoglu, Franko Kuppers |
Graphene Enhanced 2-D Nanoelectrode for Continuous Wave Terahertz Photomixers |
2018 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
30 |
Shihab Al-Daffaie, Oktay Yilmazoglu, Alaa Jumaah, Franko Kuppers |
First Demonstration of Continuous Wave Terahertz Radiation from Semi-Insulating GaAs Photomixer with Nanowire |
2018 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
31 |
Aleksandra Baskakova, Giuseppe Stella, Karel Hoffmann |
An Interferometric Sensor for Scanning Microwave Microscopy Application |
2018 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) |
32 |
Kestutis Ikamas, Justinas Zdanevicius, Lukas Dundulis, Sandra Pralgauskaite, Alvydas Lisauskas, Dovile Cibiraite, Daniel Vos, Viktor Krozer, Hartmut G. Roskos |
Quasi optical THz detectors in Si CMOS |
2018 22nd International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON) |
33 |
J. Zdanevičius, D. Čibiraitė, K. Ikamas, M. Bauer, J. Matukas, A. Lisauskas, H. Richter, V. Krozer, H.-W. Hübers, and H. G. Roskos |
Field-Effect Transistor Based Detector for Measuring Power Fluctuations of 4.75-THz Quantum-Cascade Laser-Generated Radiation |
2018 29th IEEE International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology |
34 |
Kestutis Ikamas, Dovile Cibiraite, Maris Bauer, Alvydas Lisauskas, Viktor Krozer, Hartmut G. Roskos |
Ultrabroadband Terahertz Detectors Based on CMOS Field-Effect Transistors with Integrated Antennas |
2018 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
35 |
Alvaro Morales, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy |
Silicon Nitride Integrated Optical Beamforming Network for Millimeter Wave Photonics Systems |
2018 48th European Microwave Conference (EuMC) |
36 |
Alvaro Morales, Simon Rommel, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy |
Centralized optical true time delay beamforming at 60 GHz with multicore fiber distribution |
2018 Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference |
37 |
Dimitrios Konstantinou, Alvaro Morales, Imane Aghmari, Simon Rommel, Thiago R. Raddo, Ulf Johannsen, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy |
High-Speed Wireless Access in Forested Rural Areas Using Analog Radio-over-Fiber Technology |
2018 Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference |
38 |
Yevhen Yashchyshyn, Krzysztof Derzakowski, Grzegorz Bogdan, Konrad Godziszewski, Denys Nyzovets , Cheol Ho Kim, Bonghyuk Park |
Suitability of S-PIN diodes used in reconfigurable antennas |
2018 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET) |
39 |
Angel Blanco Granja, Roland Reese, Rolf Jakoby, Andreas Penirschke |
Ultra-Broadband W - Band Balanced Schottky Diode Envelope Detector for High-Data Rate Communication Systems |
2018 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
40 |
B. Jerez, A. Betancur, P. Martín-Mateos, C. de Dios, P. Acedo |
Multi-octave spanning, absolute frequency, high resolution THz dual-comb spectrometer based on Electro-Optic Modulators: First spectroscopic measurements |
2018 Light, Energy and the Environment 2018 (E2, FTS, HISE, SOLAR, SSL) |
41 |
Marie Mbeutcha, Tom K. Johansen, Yunfeng Dong, Bruno Cimoli, Viktor Krozer |
Replicability of a Millimeter-Wave Microstrip Bandpass Filter using Parallel Coupled Lines |
2018 IEEE MTT-S Latin America Microwave Conference (LAMC 2018) |
42 |
F. Walla, A.D.J. Fernandez Olvera, C. de Dios, S. Preu, and P. Acedo |
Heterodyne photomixing stabilized by optical injection locking |
8th International Workshop on Terahertz Technology and Applications |
43 |
Anuar de Jesus Fernandez Olvera, Alvaro Morales, Yunfeng Dong, Dimitrios Konstantiouv, Simon Rommel, Tom Johansen, Chigo Okonkwo, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy, Sascha Preu |
W-Band Heterodyne Wireless System with 2.3 GHz Intermediate Frequency Driven Entirely by ErAs:In(Al)GaAs Photoconductors |
2019 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) |
44 |
Serguei Smirnov, Alvaro Morales, Chigo Okonkwo, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy, Dmitri V. Lioubtchenko, Joachim Oberhammer |
Dielectric Rod Antenna Array for Photonic-Based Sub-Terahertz Beamforming |
2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
45 |
Angel Blanco Granja, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy, Andreas Penirschke, Dimitrios Konstantinou, Simon Rommel, Bruno Cimoli, Sebastian Rodriguez, Roland Reese, Ulf Johannsen, Rolf Jakoby, Tom K. Johansen |
High Data Rate W-Band Balanced Schottky Diode Envelope Detector for Broadband Communications |
2019 14th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC) |
46 |
A.D.J. Fernandez Olvera, A.F. Betancur, C. de Dios, S. Preu, P. Acedo |
Continuous-Wave Electro-Optic Terahertz Dual-Comb Operating from 0.096 to 0.496 THz Using ErAs:In(Al)GaAs Photoconductors |
2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
47 |
A.D.J. Fernandez Olvera, A.F. Betancur, C. de Dios, P. Acedo, S. Preu |
Architecture and Component Characterization of a High-Resolution Free-Space Vector Network Analyzer for the Terahertz Range |
2019 European Microwave Conference in Central Europe (EuMCE) |
48 |
Min Wan, Hui Yuan, Dovilė Čibiraitė, Derek J. Cassidy, Alvydas Lisauskas, John J. Healy, Hartmut G. Roskos, Viktor Krozer, John T. Sheridan |
Terahertz quantitative metrology using 300 GHz in-line digital holography |
2019 Holography: Advances and Modern Trends VI |
49 |
Hui Yuan, Min Wan, Alvydas Lisauskas, John T. Sheridan, Hartmut G. Roskos |
300-GHz in-line holography with high dynamic range |
2019 Holography: Advances and Modern Trends VI |
50 |
Min Wan, Hui Yuan, Dovilė Čibiraitė, John J. Healy, Hartmut G. Roskos, John T Sheridan |
Terahertz Spectrum Detection Based on Interferometry |
2019 Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2019 |
51 |
H. Yuan, M. Wan, A. Lisauskas, J. T. Sheridan, H. G. Roskos |
300-GHz holography with heterodyne detection |
2019 Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2019 |
52 |
M. Wan, D. Cibiraite, B. Li, H. Yuan, V. Krozer, H. Roskos, D. Wang, J. T. Sheridan |
Polarization and sectioning characteristic of THz confocal microscopy |
2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
53 |
Hui Yuan, Daniel Vos, Min Wan, A. Lisauskas, Hartmut G. Roskos, John T. Sheridan |
Terahertz Imaging Based on Coherent Detection of the Fourier-Space Spectrum |
2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
54 |
Alvaro Morales, Dimitrios Konstantinou, Simon Rommel, Ulf Johannsen, Chigo Okonkwo, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy |
Physical-layer confidentiality by chaotic encoding in radio-over-fiber systems |
2019 Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2019 |
55 |
Alvaro Morales, Serguei Smirnov, Dmitri V. Lioubtchenko, Joachim Oberhammer, Chigo Okonkwo, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy |
Photonic-Based Beamforming System for Sub-THz Wireless Communications |
2019 European Microwave Conference in Central Europe (EuMCE). |
56 |
Dimitrios Konstantinou, Alvaro Morales, Simon Rommel, Thiago R. Raddo, Ulf Johannsen, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy |
Analog Radio Over Fiber Fronthaul for High Bandwidth 5G Millimeter-Wave Carrier Aggregated OFDM |
2019 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) |
57 |
A. Morales, D. Konstantinou, S. Rommel, T. R. Raddo, U. Johannsen, C. Okonkwo, I. Tafur Monroy |
Bidirectional K-Band Photonic/Wireless Link for 5G Communications |
2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
58 |
Alaa Jumaah, Shihab Al-Daffaie, Oktay Yilmazoglu, Franko Küppers, and Thomas Kusserow |
Interdigital Multilayer-Graphene Nanoelectrodes for Continuous Wave Terahertz photomixers |
2019 European Microwave Conference in Central Europe (EuMCE) |
59 |
Alaa Jumaah, Shihab Al-Daffaie, Oktay Yilmazoglu, Franko Kuppers, Thomas Kusserow |
Experimental Investigation of Graphene Layers as 2D Nanoelectrode for Continuous Wave Terahertz Generation |
2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
60 |
Veronica Lain Rubio, Shihab Al-Daffaie, Alaa Jumaah, Thomas Kusserow |
Design and Implementation of a Terahertz Integrated Lens-Antenna for a Nanocontacts Based Photomixer |
2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
61 |
D. Cibiraite, M. Wan, A. Lisauskas, A. Ramer, S. Chevtchenko, W. Heinrich, H. G. Roskos, J. T. Sheridan, V. Krozer |
TeraFET multi-pixel THz array for a confocal imaging system |
2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
62 |
A. Soltani, S.C. Kehr, L.M. Eng, J. Stake, H.G. Roskos, F. Kuschewski, M. Bonmann, A. Generalov, A. Vorobiev, F. Ludwig, M. Wiecha, D. Cibiraite, F. Walla |
Unveiling the plasma wave in the channel of graphene field-effect transistor |
2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
63 |
Fanqi Meng, Mark D. Thomson, Bernhard Klug, Dovile Cibiraite, Qamar ul-Islam, Hartmut G. Roskos |
Ultrastrong coupling of plasmonic metamaterials and photons in a terahertz photonic crystal cavity |
2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) |
64 |
Denys Nyzovets, Yevhen Yashchyshyn |
A mm-Wave Beam-Steerable Leaky-Wave Antenna with ferroelectric Substructure |
2019 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) |
65 |
M. Mbeutcha and V. Krozer |
CDMA-based MIMO FMCW Radar System Performance using Intra-Pulse Phase Modulation |
2019 16th European Radar Conference (EuRAD) |
66 |
Dominika Warmowska, Kerlos Atia Abdalmalak, Luis Enrique Garcia Munoz, Zbynek Raida |
A Compact Circularly Polarized High-Gain Antenna Array for Ka-Band CubeSats Applications |
2019 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC) |
67 |
H. Bello, L. Pantoli, J. Yun, D. Kissinger, G. Leuzzi |
Electromagnetic Characterization and Design Note of a Sub-THz SiGe Voltage-controlled Oscillator |
2019 PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS-Spring) |
68 |
Pedro Martín-Mateos, Borja Jerez, A. Betancur, Cristina de Dios, Pablo Acedo |
Absolute-frequency THz dual-comb instrument: a scalable and high-resolution spectrometer based on electro-optic comb generation |
2019 Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress (ES, FTS, HISE, Sensors) |
69 |
Min Wan, Yevhen Yashchyshyn, Xiaohui Lin, Konrad Godziszewski, Da-Wen Sun, John T. Sheridan |
Characterization of silicon in the terahertz |
2020 Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XIII |
70 |
Min Wan, Christopher Duignan, Derek J. Cassidy, John J. Healy, John T. Sheridan |
Sub-pixel motion estimation for terahertz imaging |
2020 Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XIII |
71 |
Cristina de Dios, Pedro Martín-Mateos, Borja Jerez, Andres Betancur, Roberto Barreiro, Pablo Acedo |
Fast THz Dual-Comb spectrometer with hyperspectral multioctave interrogation capabilities |
2020 OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress |
72 |
Cristina de Dios, Pedro Martín-Mateos, Borja Jerez, Andres Betancur, Roberto Barreiro, Pablo Acedo |
Dynamic THz dual-comb spectrometer: an optoelectronic fast interrogation approach |
2020 CLEO Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics |