Arsen Turhaner


Arsen Turhaner was born in Hatay, Turkey. He received his BSc. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University, Ankara, in 2014. He finished his MSc. at the same department in the area of Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas, in 2017. His thesis was about the frequency diverse arrays. While he was doing his master of science, he worked in Professional RF Research and Development Company. He designed Ku-band short range radar and radar measurement equipment in this company.

In 2017, he was enrolled as a PhD student at DTU Elektro, Technical University of Denmark. As a part of CELTA, the purpose of his project is to address the challenges related to the signal generation in the 0.1-1 THz frequency range by using innovative transistor-based active circuit approaches, i.e., investigating highly efficient frequency multiplier chains allowing to extent the frequency range for transistor-based sources.


Link to Research Group at DTU website