Microwave and RF Group

The Microwave & RF Research Group at the University of  L’Aquila is supervised by Prof. Giorgio Leuzzi. The Group counts Prof. Vincenzo Stornelli, 3 foxed laboratory technicians and typically also comprises between 3-4 graduate students, 1-2 post-doctoral researchers and a few visiting researchers. The Group considers a wide range of advanced topics concerning microwave communication integrated devices and circuits and nonlinear devices analysis. In particular, the Group focuses on multidisciplinary approaches in millimetre-wave and terahertz technologies, and RF and microwave components and systems for industrial applications. Achievements include development of radio and radar high performance filters, MMIC chip design for use in LNA and ultra-broadband systems and physics based and non-linear analysis. The staff has an extensive collaboration with other research groups, Government Departments and industry.

